This is a tiny project, that took about 2 days. It uses the “Bluepill” MCU board with small OLED display for info texts and has few buttons to toggle LED lights and relays for audio outputs.
For many years (seems about 20) I was using just old logic chips. And it felt ancient, so I finally decided to do it with bluepill.
Having a small display is nice and informative. With many inputs and outputs left, there is still room for later changes.
This “console” is very useful and has a place just left of my keyboard.
Has no case yet, and I’m not sure if it will, I’m just covering it with a black cloth.
Sources are here.
Actually just using that Arduino .ino since it’s a small project.
I was editing code in VSCodium, then building and uploading using the worst Arduino IDE 1.8.19.