Short introduction to real-time computer graphics (in demos, visualizations, etc) with shaders.
Mainly gathering topics and lots of links to more informational websites and example shaders.
Ending with big section of my favourites (mainly on shadertoy).
Where you can browse and edit shaders in web browser.
- shadertoy my favourite, with tags, comments and lots of shaders and great looking demos
- smoothstep also for building animations
- glslsandbox somewhat lower quality, also need to switch to 1x every time, and seems to have spam and worse browsing
The main difference to rasterisation (covered here), is that there are no 3D models with vertices, own textures etc. These demo are done with pixel (called fragment in GL) shader for fullscreen rectangle. And anything that appears is computed by it. This means also all geometry has to be somehow described by equations and functions.
📖Tutorial websites
shadertoy tag tutorial and how to, e.g. keyboard movement
short post how-does-a-shadertoy-work
smoothstep tutorial
Shadertoy tutorial – 16 parts – very good, 2D and 3D, basics, camera, light, buffers etc
Long videos, tutorials playlist starts with basics and 2D, later e.g. ray marching
Shader Tutorials by Ronja – good, many topics
iquilezles – many tutorials and more – all articles
thebookofshaders book, not full
realtimerendering tutorial and lots of books
Ray Tracing (slower, higher quality) short tutorial, all tags
Ray Marching
How to Make 3D Fractals probably best video tutorial for raymarching and its effects
Ray Marching, and making 3D Worlds video with Math other good video with code and combining
ray marching signed distance functions, with light
raymarching from scratch part 1
raymarching from scratch part 2
Introduction to Raymarching
The Distance Estimator Compendium (DEC) many SDF functions for primitives and 3D fractals with screens
hg_sdf glsl library for building signed distance functions, with primitives and combining operations
3D primitives / shapes – SDF functions
2D SDF shape functions
🪄Tutorial shaders
basics 05 – gl smoothstep
basics 01 – antialiased circle
basics 03 – camera
2D Ray Marching visualization
Ray Marching Demo For Beginner 2D
2D SDF Tracing Visualization2d Raymarching very simple animated
Visualizing Raymarching with colors
2D Grid Traversal w/ Refraction
Raymarching Primitives Commented has many shapes
Raymarching – Primitives by iq, with many distfunctions
Floating things
Ray marched scene for beginners has fresnel, hard shadow, reflection
Xor’s Basic Raymarcher
Ray Marching Template simple short
PBR Demo
PBR Tutorial
shadertoy all with tag tutorial
Ray tracing
Verbose Raytracer has mouse rotate, colors, multi reflections
RayTracing Tutorial – Step 3
RayTracing Tutorial – Step 6
Real raytrace in 3D
To Sort
[SH17C] Raymarching tutorial watch steps in shader
Ray Marching with Unique Colors
Iterative Function Guide2D, fractal
Copy Basic Distance Fields Tutfew stages at once
3D Glow Tutorial white torus
Simple Raymarching Example Scene
020 look at all the maths many functions meh
HOWTO: Ray Marching many shapes
Dila’s Raymarch Tutorial infinite world
Simple Flythrough Example infinite
happy Jumping tutorial sphere, floor
Camera Movement Around an Object
PT V – R, T, S 2D basic shapes
sdf 2D lights and shadows
Very simple tunnel Atmospheric scattering explained sun to sky atmosphere color
🌊Fluid simulation
webgl-fluid-simulation with theory and equations
29a.ch 2012 webgl-fluid-simulation with web demo and computations flow
Fractal on wikipedia.
Sierpiński triangle or gasket, basic fractal
Apollonian basic circle, (or sphere in 3D) recursive packing
The Mandelbrot Set Explained – long very good video, going from 1D to 2D (complex), and Mandelbrot to Julia connection
maths.town website with Mandelbrot explained
Very long zooming videos of Manderbrot (ultra deep) and other similar.
e.g. Density 2h zoom, Inifnite 2h zoom, Deepish 3h zoom, Edge of Infinity 2,5h
Mandelbrot set with blended gradients
kleinian high quality, similar to apollonian
kaliset lines
more in favorites below ..
⛓️Other demo sites and programs
pouet huge, old webiste with various demos
mercury a demogroup
Syntopia – Generative Art, 3D Fractals, Creative Computing – blog with many posts, some math etc
Kalles Fraktaler 2+ – program for zooming in 2D fractals
Mandelbulber – 3D fractal program, has examples with screnshots
FragM application for exploring pixel based graphics on the GPU, derived from Fragmentarium. Videos from it.
Marble Marcher CE ball game on fractals
Shadertoy-renderer for making videos of shaders
🔮 Fractal
🧊 Polyhedron regular 3D shapes etc
☁️ Clouds
💎 Crystal
☀️ Refraction
Is it still raymarching?
Noise animation – Electric
Lightning flow
Crystal Abyss violet blue crystal like
2D Clouds
Graffiti 3D, Cyborg Signature, Brush toy
Colliding Scribbles
Another xor automaton
Complex polygons
Angle Ruler / Gauge
Numbers with LUT and Bits
💧 2D Fluids
Molten bismuth awesome,Spilledgreat
Multiscale MIP FluidalsoRock-Paper-Scissor-4D colorful
Chimera’s Breath smoke, Smoke remake
Expansive Reaction-Diffusion, Entropy Escape Decay
Lattice Boltzmann slow, Frozen Window ice formation
Liquid Toy tar, Fire!Fire! burning fake simulation
HD LIQUID like metal foil
Branching Paths strange
Minimal Fluidish Simulacre
2D Fractals
Alien Skies colorful, mouse
Fractal lines of symmetry circling, very cool
more colorful than average 2 poles, tripy colors
Nova fractal cool, mouse
Fractal Colors simple pastels, I also made it in my KC4 keyboard controller display
Super Julia Fractal tripy lines
Fractals: MRS white, short code
Fractal Soup simple 1 color, cool, another first fractal attempt
Pseudeo 3D mandelbrot
Julia: Julia improved, Red Julia, Julia – Traps 2
Animated Lyapunov others by tag
🏞️ 3D
Campfire at night
Swiss Alps, Himalayas
Seascape ocean, another Oceanic
Where the River Goes
Auroras, Miracle Snowflakes
Production Sky Rendering, other The sun, the sky and the clouds
explosions underwater and Taste of Noise 7 like fireworks, blending
Rotating Volume Rings 3 torus clouds with distortion
dark violet wave noise cube
Wavy and Sculpture II interesting
OMZG Shader Royale – NuSan
Bubble Buckey Balls
Rhodium liquid carbon
Mushroom, Piano
Shaking Jello, [SH18] Human Document animation
🔮 3D Glass etc.
Multiple Transparency
Raytraced Quartic Surface
Inside the mandelbulb
Marbles: Nova Marble blue animated, Playing marble green, rm -f dark with rays
Cloudy crystal, red sphere intersect pub, noise blob
Almost physically based glass
Ice Primitives with sliders
Glass cubes in infinity mirror
Refractive Index, Photon Mapped Caustics
Curious Crystal
Liquid in glass
Impulse glass
Neon Crystal, Kaleidoscope Crystal, Gyroid Crystal, Ocean Crystal
Creation Stone
Crystal Tetrahedron
3D Infinite World
Homeward bird fly
Desert Canyon, similar Desert Passage
Leizex rocks
3D Cellular Tiling
Neptune Racing
Protean clouds
Visceral Infection blood vein inside
Industrial Complex
Party Concert Visuals 2020
Underwater Neural Forest
Entangled Vines
Noise 3D Fly Through blobs
Rainbow Fractal Descent
mud planet
Interactive thinks 3D noise, very cool, with 4 sliders
Misty Grid glow, lines, colors
002-Blue and Palace of Mind dark blue lines
3D Fractals
Remnant X fly inside, with light
similar Fractal gutter
Fractal Explorer DOF with WSAD moving
Mandelbulb etc
Mandelbulb Deconstructed white
Morning glare glass Mandelbulb
Juliabulb – derivative
Raiden Fireball
Kleinian variations, kleinian skulls,
Kleinian Seahorse HQ slow static
Fractal Explorer, WSAD moving
Larval + GUI rotational with sliders
Sphere FBM noise cube
All fractals by gaz:
29_gaz color 4 flowers, 86_gaz,
41_gaz, 36_gaz blobs, 49_gaz wire,
111 gaz animated, 108 gaz