About me


My nickname is Crystal Hammer or cryham for short. More about it and the logo here 💎🔨.

All my FOSS project sources are located on Github.
I became a FOSS developer in 2009, starting off with my programs developed at college.

My most significant and biggest is the game Stunt Rally with its Track Editor,
now as Stunt Rally 3 developed for over 8 years total.


My nick is the short one (from overview). I don’t put contacts plainly because of spam and privacy concerns.

If you need a formal email to contact me in serious matters, use my nick with a gmail account.
I don’t check it often though.

It is possible to chat with me on:
– Matrix (preferred): @[nick]:matrix.org
– or Discord, user name: [nick]7

For any issues on my projects, using Issues tab on github is likely fastest.
Since years I’m not on IRC anymore. There are no other ways to contact me.

I’m 42 and live in Poland (local time).


I am mostly experienced as a Software Engineer and Developer,
C++ Programmer (also C, C#, Python), Embedded and Game Developer.

My skills are best summarized in below table.

TechnologiesAreaYears of duration and notes
C++, STL, Boost, XML
C, ash shell, embedded
C# .NET, WinForms
Programming19 years (C++11, 14, 17)
1 year (Cortex-A5), 6 months (Cortex-M4, M7)
5 years, occasional
Source control12 years
3 years
IBM DB2, MS SQL ServerDatabases5 years (past)
Telecommunication1 year (past)
8 months
Travis CI, CruiseControl
Continuous Integration
PTC Integrity, MantisBT
Issue tracking
OGRE 3D, OgreNext
Past: DirectX, CUDA, HLSL, WinAPI
Pascal, Lazarus, Assembly
Medium knowledge10 and 2 years
3 years
hobby / academic / short projects
Visual Studio
VSCodium / VS Code
QtCreator, Eclipse CDT,
clang, gcc
Compilers, IDEs19 years
5 years
MS Windows: 98, XP, 7, 10
GNU/Linux: Debian 9, 10, 11, 12
Operating Systems24 years
5 years, 1 year embedded

About me

Additionally I can recognize the need for optimizing effectiveness and like developing Tools.
I also have several artistic skills (like Color composing, GUI Design).
This website shows my web development and design experience, described also in portfolio.

I am effective and value my time when developing. Prioritizing getting new features to work and fixing any critical bugs first.

Being highly creative and detailed in my projects, I usually customize everything (Themes, settings).
As I use to say: the more options a program has, the more likely you’ll find the one you need.

For example: I created my own keyboard firmware, extended and customized Double Commander to my preferences, and before created own audio player. All of which I have been using daily ever since.

I prefer Free Open Source Software (FOSS), as it gives Freedom. I also contribute to it in my projects.
I use Debian (GNU/Linux) daily at home.

More detail


Known professionally and used at work:

  • C++ (20 years, almost constantly since college)
  • C# (2 years recent, 10 years less frequent), C (occasional)
  • SQL (5 years, in past)
  • Python (occasional, utilities)
  • Objective-C, Managed C++ (6 months, long ago)

Learned at college or rarely used for hobby:


During past 20 years of development, I got familiar with many libraries:


I used various tools and programs:

Website construction libraries I used and learned recently, developing own websites:

Operating Systems

Interests and hobbies

Listed on another page for clarity.