Well it’s probably time I write something about how this goes, it’s been months already. I took about 5 years break from old Stunt Rally. I was occasionally playing and enjoying it, but also ignoring any flaws, and thinking hard not to get into developing it again more (well that’s also the way for any commercial software).
Forum Q&A👥
In January 2022, I started thinking of checking out the new rendering engine Ogre-Next and posted on Ogre forum my topic with many questions to get more knowledge about it’s state. I has been developed (and used) since years (probably 2015 or so) but I haven’t seen few key features like: Gui, fog, old plugin for grass, no demos for particles or water etc. Old Ogre had plenty. Ogre-Next had many, but not the very broad palette of game related components.
Terrain Demo⛰️
Shortly after I gave it a try and started a small demo (sources here) with nature scene. I was quite surprised by performance, how high and smooth Fps was with lots of vegetation. Contrary to old vegetation plugin we still use in old SR, which was also the worst thing, causing lags and delays while driving. But back then even fog wasn’t part of engine and had to be added with some knowledge. Luckily new Atmosphere component for fog and sun was made not long after.
No Gui
Since there was no working MyGui fork (was earlier) and all else was difficult, I didn’t move much further. Even though Ogre-Next is still technically Ogre, about half of everything in code changed. Even using terrain was completely different as the system was new. It was good since it has better performance but it also meant a lot more trouble to use it and later port Stunt Rally stuff into it, and we have an editor for it too and own custom blendmap I made with noise.
Half a year later in October 2022 I got back to my terrain demo, which was based on Ogre-Next terrain sample. Sources for it are there and I even made a gallery, it looked cool.
I also managed to build MyGui with Ogre-Next (forum topic) and with some help continued its fork, after some trouble later, it was fixed and started working well. This was likely the key point to start porting SR, while also knowing particles work, and my demo works smooth with better Fps and no lags for vegetation.
SR3 start🚗
I then started porting SR still in Oct 2022 and calling it SR3 (3.0 was also latest Ogre-Next version). First by disabling almost everything in old SR code and making it build with Ogre-Next. Then by slowly restoring stuff one at a time and I mean really slowly.
Restoring stuff🌐
It took months and literally almost everything was causing trouble or not working at first in Ogre-Next. It’s like normal developing, I mean I code then test and fix it to work (yeah the old way, no unit tests, seriously). On top of that, there were few annoying new bugs due to how Ogre-Next works and needed something extra to fix, what was already working normally in Ogre before.
Fast forward⏩
In Feb 2023 MyGui started working and could be used in SR3. Worse still, during my endless forum topic we found many bugs in Ogre-Next too. It’s like half of my problems end in one. A bit disappointing TBH, but that’s the way with software nowadays. It’s buggy and needs updates constantly. Which brings me to support aspect. If it was great I wouldn’t mind. And mostly it was, but lately I’m waiting 1-3 weeks for response and have many ongoing issues and unanswered questions. It’s a pity that it’s just (putting all contributors aside) mostly a one man’s project. Kind of like with SR too, especially after that one year when there were more programmers.
Water🌊, Effects
Last major features were: water and effects (like SSAO), probably the biggest thing. Worse still, it wasn’t developed by me, but mostly by scrawl (and others) back in 2013 or so. So I had to redo another thing in Ogre-Next by myself now. It was difficult but good learning experience. HLMS shaders, are big, complicated, have lots of code and variations, and yeah it’s much more difficult than just using a shader editor and putting together blocks or just installing a water add-on. We still are missing a few essential ones like: soft particles and HDR with bloom, that old SR had around 2013 already.
📊Other engines
Well this section might be of use and have some info. Not just SR3 history like above. Meanwhile I did think about other engines and shortly looked at 3 of them. There is a big list on wiki too. And I did recently write a tutorial page on CG graphics its Engines section could be better too.
This is my personal view, and let’s keep in mind that I did look at them after SR was already made (took 5 years) and it has its own track / map editor made by me. It is FOSS too.
Bit older than UE I guess but also a huge hub for commercial stuff. Even the tutorial mini game had paid crap one could buy for it. That’s really the first thing that pops out instantly for me. I do hate commercial stuff. I guess you could find something “free” but its like looking for free money in city, roughly for me. It will only be a free commercial for paid stuff. Sure you can find stuff made already like rivers, vegetation and what not but given that this has a price, it’s instantly not for me. And it never has any other license than “you can only use it for Unity”.
This thing certainly got on my nerves. Turns out I don’t even have a PC for it. I started by trying to download. Nope, you need to get full sources with deps and then build them on Linux. I tried few times before I realized this needs over 100GB to complete IIRC. Yeah my SDD with OS is still just 128GB and the one new I got has just 512GB and doesn’t really have that much free space.
Whatever, the next thing was a real killer for me. When it finally started (after building for hours) it showed a tiny logo with a tiny text showing that it needs to build shaders, over 4000 of them. I can’t even. And it did compile them on like 6 CPU cores for 30 minutes. Seriously WTF.. and I don’t even use this term. I don’t know for sure, but it wasn’t just once that it had to do this. I remember few times that “building all shaders” time waste, possibly even on each new project created or so.
Well then I realized my PC (with 12 year old CPU) isn’t even in same era, UE5 would need you to first spend a lot of money for PC with latest hardware.. to probably still take a long to even start. Needless to say it is also a huge hub for commercial add-ons etc.
If we look at SR which has over 200 tracks already and on average 1 of them is just 5MB, not GB we can see the huge gap. One demo in UE5 was 100GB.
I was pleasantly surprised to find waterways plugin for rivers and also seeing it’s MIT license. Feels like the proper way of doing stuff for FLOSS software and games like SR3. Would be nice to have it in SR for sure, but at least I can learn from it and even use sources if I ever find the time for this. Well, getting back to Godot, it’s big, I don’t have much of experience. It has its way of doing things and may be even extended. But let me sum this all up next.
So let’s end this quick look around. Each game engine has lots of stuff. And I can’t even judge how long would I need to learn it, to estimate how long it would need, to port SR to it (any engine). And how would loading tracks look in it, or how much more complicated editing them would be. I’m pretty sure it’d be a waste of time and effort. As for game simulation, I guess I could build as a DLL or something to run in it, but that just doesn’t feel right at all. I mean what for, so that I could use engine’s features sure, but I’d need to waste a lot of time (in total) for starting it, clicking everywhere, etc. Lastly learning its issues and their solutions. Every big engine has something specific to it and problems with some things for sure. Meanwhile I already had a lot of code written to do what and exactly how I wanted it to be, e.g. editor for creating SR tracks.
❔Is it good for you?
Obviously it depends. It is a rendering (by rasterization) engine only. So contrary to the game engines listed above, you don’t get anything beside rendering, i.e. no physics (e.g. bullet), no sound (e.g. openal), GUI, scripting, network etc.
It is for advanced users / programmers. This means you need advanced programming skills to use it fully. Right now I also believe it means you need to find bugs in it yourself too. Surely there are some still and the more I use it the more I find. And I’d expect it to have none OFC, sadly that’s not possible.
There is documentation for it, but I can’t say it is covering all topics you might need. Some features I needed later had solutions that needed to be found in older forum topics. This wasn’t easy since they’re old and I don’t know if it’s still valid and there is also plenty of unneeded text in posts. And support? Yeah it’s nice and great when it happens but otherwise you’re left alone with it. I also can’t say it’s popular. Seems it was much more earlier around 2010 and also the Ogre 1.x version is still more popular.
Good things last, it surely has many features, modern ones too like few types of GI, HLMS shaders, etc. It is low level, meaning it can give you more control and optimization. But I don’t have any comparison here, I haven’t used any other just older Ogre. Surely there are others, eg. bgfx.
✅Why I use it
The biggest reason is really simple. I made SR in Ogre so moving to Ogre-Next sounded like least effort. Surely old Ogre changed and I got myself stuck to shiny material generator which again scrawl wrote back in 2013 or so. Meanwhile RTSS shaders got better in Ogre, and lately even got auto instancing. I decided to skip all that and make a bigger step, biggest possible for better hardware and that was using latest Ogre-Next. Even with few things or components missing. It also featured auto instancing by itself which I liked most, secondly the new terrain has less batches too (more performance).
New implementation of my audio player, based on my older cAmp. Works on GNU/Linux (and should on Windows). Now using SFML for graphics, and ImGui for the new GUI. Still using (not FOSS) bass for audio.
Available here. Now with CMake and newer C++17 syntax.
Screenshots here. Starts with normal playlist, find, track backgrounds explanation with time coloring, tabs adjust, later 3 visualizations, their themes, and rest of Gui windows.
Old cAmp was WinAPI and DirectX only and had bad style, old C++03 too. It was still one of my last college projects. I did once try moving it to SFML, and almost succeeded. I had no pressing motivation until I started moving to Debian GNU/Linux instead of Windows which required this new version. I made things differently this time and with more experience, hence the Gui and visible options.
Missing Features
The old cAmp was using GPU shaders and cAmp2 doesn’t use them yet. Seems not that needed. And it doesn’t even have hotkeys or threads implemented here. Well there is always something on my “to do” list for this project, like for any other.
📊New Features
Apart from most of the old features (with few important missing) it has some new ones too.
Most notable addition is the Gui with few windows having controls for changing view parameters, adjusting with sliders or showing info. Since ImGui is such a joy to use it was also easy to implement bindable all program keys list and move all options to Gui.
Other new features:
Colored tabs, sliders for their background and text brightness. Empty tabs as separators. Can be seen on screens. I find it quite useful, e.g. for now I have 4 rows, first is for Trance style, 2nd for older trance, 3rd for rock, 4th for metal genres (about 31 playlists total).
In between markers. E.g. if I filter tracks so that playing cursor or find matches become not visible then it draws a shorter marker still, to show they are between those visible. (It’s best shown on 2nd screenshot also 3rd and this).
New visualization type (screens, parameters): FFT above and spectrogram below.
Queue tab(s). Any tab can be set as queue. It will be marked in 4 corners. Then you can add tracks with one key (E) to queue end. Good for temporary playlists or “best of” ones.
Well it is definitely useful. It’s one of those key programs I need to have at start of any OS (first is my DoubleCmd fork, then this player, 3rd is Firefox with many add-ons). Yet it’s still missing one crucial feature like moving (reordering) tracks. Kind of funny, but I still don’t need it that much. I just delete whole playlist and add its main folder again to refresh once a while, and keep order in my filenames and subdirs. There are few other features missing too from previous version. But if I’m doing bigger projects (like Stunt Rally 3) or smaller and more interesting ones, then I don’t have time for this nice useful program which I still use every day. If we count the older one too, made in 2009, this would be the longest used program I made.
This is my newest keyboard controller software (based on my previous one) used in my keyboard CK9 (upgraded CK6), running on Teensy 4.0 with a 2.8″ color LCD display (320×240, ILI9341 chip).
Here are videos of keyboard CK9, showing most of K.C.4 on its display:
View – Short video of keyboard and closeup at display.
Demos – Showing all demos (in auto mode): Plasma, 3D Polyhedrons with diagonals, Wave, Fire (meh), 2D waving CK Logo with shadow, and old Rain.
Features – A detailed look at features, no voice or commentary though. Editing mappings, sequences, testing etc.
Link to my channel with all keyboard videos so far here.
My firmware sources are on github. It’s called K.C.4 (“Kacey”) simply from Keyboard Controller and 4 from Teensy version.
The readme with all key features is visible on github. Here is more practical description. At end of page I wrote a comparison from my previous version (for Teensy 3.2) and quickly with other controllers / keyboards.
The current code features are (and were mostly present in my previous K.C. version):
Display with menu, where you can edit everything possible.
Mapping (key binding). So which USB code will the physical key send to PC when pressed. There is a pick list with all common keys (and internal functions, sequences, etc) to choose from when binding. It has group colors and group filter for easier orientation.
Keyboard layout drawn on display. Shown when editing mappings (for currently chosen layer). Has a cursor to move around between keys. It’s also possible to jump to a key by pressing it.
Layers. If you hold a key, whole keyboard layout changes giving you other keys. Kind of like the Fn keys on laptop but much more useful and customizable. A common feature of custom controllers. Locking layers is also possible, either by lock/unlock key, tapping layer key fast or holding it for longer. Of course can be disabled and delay parameters are changeable.
Mouse keys. Keys that will move mouse, press mouse buttons or scroll mouse wheel. Also featuring acceleration with parameters for it and speed in GUI.
Sequences aka Macros. Basically any key combinations (for key shortcuts) and any sequences of key presses (for e.g. passwords). I am showing sequence previews where possible too, so when editing Mappings (for a sequence key), when picking a key from list or Testing pressed keys (if a key runs a sequence). I am also showing in sequences View, all mapped keys that run selected sequence.
Sequence commands are just a further extension.
They are special commands (beside sequence keys), that e.g. wait for few seconds (0.1s resolution), or change how slow the sequence will run (1ms resolution, useful e.g. for putty).
Others allow putting comments (for sequence purpose), and hiding sequence from preview (e.g. for passwords).
There is also a command to run other sequence(s) from this one. Also a repeat command that will do sequence (keys) continuously, until interrupted. This is e.g. useful e.g. if you want to watch a video faster, skipping parts with arrow keys after a short delay or take screenshots while watching etc. Normal keys can be used when a sequence runs too.
All mouse actions are available as commands too. So for example you can press a key (for a sequence) that will press button or move mouse etc. I have this way a mouse gesture done.
Internal functions. Keys to e.g. dim brightness, toggle GUI, toggle LED light, quit sequence, lock/unlock layer, change default layer etc. This a direct way, faster than adjusting parameters in GUI.
Testing and Setup pages. Useful when developing and to check if everything is working properly. Scan setup is advanced and adjust which strobe delay, scan frequency, debounce time I need. Matrix page shows the 18×8 keyboard matrix, with my anti-ghosting code working and any issues from too low strobe delay. It now also features X marks on keys that are available in matrix but not present on layout, this makes locating new extra keys very easy.
Demos and Game. Were already present in previous version and even on the first tiny display I used (128×64 mono). Since I have a display, and a powerful MCU, they show their drawing possibilities. They got extended to new resolution with few added extras. Best shown on videos, links below.
Clock. With date (uses internal RTC, needs 3V battery). Also showing Temperature, read from attached DS18B20 1-wire sensor (optional).
Statistics. Clock also displays (on its extended pages) keyboard use statistics:
Uptime. Time since power on or plugged in USB.
Late hour background. Will start slowly showing top of display orange at 22:00 and every 0:30 min going more visible, being yellow after 0:00 (midnight). This is to notify and motivate me to go to sleep when I sit too long at night.
Active time. I.e. how long I use keyboard without a break (at least 5 min, can be adjusted). Changes color from value. This is helpful to know if I’m doing something too long on PC. After all, it is recommended to take 5 min breaks every hour, it is healthy for spine and hands.
Inactive time. The opposite. Useful to know how long was I away from PC (keyboard). Also changes color when over 1 hour. Meaning I probably should have turned it off, to save power.
Press/min. Typing frequency, so how much key presses are done every minute. A colored value on left, going e.g. red at 120, yellow starting at 50. Also a second value below with total average since power on, with slowly changed value. So it is useful and directly corresponds to how tired will hands be. It’d be great to keep this value below 50, but sadly writing any text (e.g. chat, email etc.) or playing a game makes it go even above 150.
Graphs. As a part of clock, they show history of using keyboard (key presses/minute in the past hours). Second one is for temperature history. There are 320 points on display width and parameters for how often a value is added to graph.
⌨️Keyboard CK9
I upgraded my 2018 keyboard CK6 with this bigger display and K.C.4 and it became CK9. I also added tiny extra keys, lots of them. Above Numpad, 2 rows of 8 or in other words 4 groups of 4. Surely will come handy for e.g. internal functions or could be extra F13-F24 keys for OS. The keyboard has visible tear on few keys already, well I use it since 2016 (was CK3 first). Nothing yet, compared to the 14 year old one (CK7/4/2).
My previous version of KC and keyboards with it were quite useful and the 1.8″ color display was good too. The keyboard drawn on screen was minimal. Keys with one letter/digit/symbol had a 5×7 font, but 2 letters needed a tiny 3×5 font. It worked, but didn’t look great. So the new display is bigger 2.8″ and has about 2x resolution (320×240 vs 160×128).
The main reason for this upgrade though was the new Teensy 4.0 with a MCU that runs at 600MHz. It seems to be the fastest one available (on a board with USB, ready to use). And is even way faster than all previous. I already didn’t like Arduino in 2014 when I got interested in MCUs (again), seemed like a stone age relic compared to Teensy 3, but today I can say they probably have computational power of a rock, when compared.
The result is constant 45 frames per second almost always. This is what 600MHz MCU with SPI set at 60MHz for this display does, while using DMA for transfers and double buffered drawing (one buffer is being sent by DMA to display, while MCU draws new frame in second buffer, at the same time).
Of course, there were many projects of using a big display with slow MCU even. A MCU not having enough RAM for screen buffer. But this means very low refresh rate (low Fps) and flickering (blinking when redrawn).
There are few open source keyboard controllers, I think none of them even have a display, and some still use ATmega 8bit MCUs. Their requirements for program and RAM (memories of a MCU) are minimal, way lower than mine. And the price will be lower too. But the main flaw coming from it, is having to compile on PC and upload to MCU after any change. This is a big nope for me.
So for me, this is now the present (not the future anymore). And well honestly, whenever I see a custom keyboard picture I’m just asking: “where’s the display?”. In addition, seeing Cherry MX or any switches turns me away immediately.
Because there is one more very important thing that is the light press modification. All my keyboards since 2005 have it and it’s just the default for me. Sadly all commercial keyboards are garbage in this matter and people continue to produce keyboards that have a tactile feel, 4mm travel and around 50 gram force to press. Well for me this is the middle ages era. This can cause injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). And I guess it feels awful for those having pain from using such keyboards.
For my modding process (of reducing rubber dome keys press force and travel) pictures are in this gallery and I made a video of it recently (it is CK5).
✅Summary table
For reference, here is a table with current status of all my keyboards, since start until present day:
Assembly year
Original keyboard
Keys actuation
[gram force]
CK3 > CK6 > CK9
2016 > 2018 > 2020
A4 Tech KX-100
23 g
Cheaper, bit wobbly, but more keys
CK2 > CK4 > CK7
2005 > 2016 > 2018
Logitech Ultra X Flat
33 g
Stiff foil, old, extra keys
CK5, CK5b
2015, 2020
A4 Tech KV-300H
9-18 g
The lightest foil
Logitech Ultra X Flat
25 g
First, old, had extra keys,
now only for testing, 1 row dead 💀
Stunt Rally is the game I started in Dec 2009, having first release in Apr 2010 and last (2.6) in Sep 2015. It was my biggest project by far, I developed it for 5 years almost continuously.
Update: I started developing again after about 5 years break, and continued with new version 2.7 and moved to newer Ogre-Next in upcoming Stunt Rally 3.
The game works on GNU/Linux and Windows. It features its own Track Editor. Simulation for cars comes from VDrift and rendering using OGRE 3D engine, more info here.
I’m proud of what it became, but most importantly from the people I met, who contributed to this project, especially developers and track creators. The experiences gained and things learned with this project are significant. And it was a lot of fun.
I created the 📖SR presentation book, it has 196 pages with lots of screenshots and explanations of the whole project (until version 2.6).
So, the game’s documentation will tell you everything about the game, track editor and tools. But it won’t tell you the history behind it. While the presentation book covers whole project (both the game and editor) in general, this post tells how it all started.
That’s why I made this page. It’s also my dearest project and I get very sentimental every time I play it or even look at screens or videos. So I think it deserves it, and could be informative.
Around Dec 2009 I started looking for open source racing games, from which I could use the simulation code. My previous projects from 2008 and 2007 already showed me the limits of using only physics engine’s included car demo’s code for games. So PhysX and Newton Dynamics respectively. Bullet had its own car/vehicle demo too, so I knew it could only be fit for a basic arcade game.
I was aiming at a simulation and wanted the most complicated code. After all I was playing Richard Burns Rally already for a long time (on keyboard), liked WRC (on gravel and from 2004-6 mostly) and actually despised any other car simulation games for being too simple (maybe RBR fans of that time know what I mean).
Open source racing games
There were actually just 3 games: some old code from Racer, TORCS (now SpeedDreams) and VDrift. I played them somewhat, then compiled all and tested. After that and decided that VDrift is the best, simulation code was quite sophisticated.
The projects I didn’t consider were: SuperTuxCart (too basic, and for kids) and RigsOfRods (not a racing game, just a sophisticated vehicle simulation, but also using OGRE).
VDrift was also still actively developed at the time. And I liked their move to also use bullet. That was simply needed to have any collision with environment.
I edited the .car file a lot to find if it is possible to use VDrfit for gravel rally, later posting the results. It was good and fun, I played VDrift somewhat with my setups (gravel, wet, ice) since the original game was quite unplayable for me.
Compiling VDrift and adding OGRE
The beginning part was the most difficult. I was at the time just Windows programmer (but really liked GNU/Linux thanks to this project). So compiling a Linux project on Windows in Visual Studio wasn’t easy. When I finally managed to do it (IIRC after 2-3 weeks), I started tinkering with it, removing code I don’t want, etc. Still using the OpenGL renderer.
Then on side, I started a simple OGRE app with just few models on scene. Later connected both. Getting the VDrift meshes to show right was a bit work (different x,y,z axes, 3D models). But without it, I wouldn’t see anything, so it was crucial.
Once all worked I made the first release pack in April 2010. Was Windows only and most likely it wouldn’t even start without proper MSVC framework installed and such.
It had only 1 car, VDrift tracks and no GUI. I compared the performance and started a topic on VDrift forum. It was terribly bad because of their tracks having thousands of meshes. So using OGRE for VDrift would be a bad idea. But that wasn’t my point. I knew OGRE already and in my previous attempt had a big terrain with good look and performance. I knew what I wanted in my own game and how to do it now.
What happened next was fast (given only my free time) and needed a lot of coding and testing. But it was easier than the previous part. You can check the screenshots of funny situations from versions 0.1 to 0.5 in the first development gallery.
I quickly added tire trails and particles, since they were already in OGRE and it was easy. Trails were never in VDrift and particles weren’t great. At the time VDrift moved to using bullet and that was perfect, since it was needed for any car collisions with environment. Then I added the Terrain component and tweaked code to have proper fitted heightmap triangles in bullet world too.
Next I added PagedGeometry (I knew it already) to have some jungle vegetation, that came with Ogitor (same project we had textures from, for a very long time).
Later I also added MyGUI. The options looked quite similar to my previous project, but this GUI system was much better and there were already more tabs.
Also included 2 more cars. Then made the 0.2 release pack in Jun 2010, and started the topic on OGRE forum.
Since there was no road plugin for OGRE, I started coding my own. Based on a Catmull-Rom spline, which is probably the easiest to edit and most intuitive, it just interpolates between points.
Terrain already had its own LOD (level of detail) system. Road surely needed one too, to not quickly produce extreme counts of triangles visible. I thought of just 4 LOD levels for each road segment (auto generated in code), and a simple distance to camera check to pick one accordingly, showing less triangles further. Picture here. It wasn’t the easiest code to write, but I’m glad that I did it. It became the base for road and was extended few times later. Nothing else would fit so perfectly as own written system.
I focused on creating the SR presentation book, which covers not just our history but the whole project with all of its aspects and implementation. The presentation has 196 pages with lots of screenshots and explanations.
⏩Fast Forward
📜History of added features in each release in Old changelog.
What came next is summarized below in short points, in more detail than on presentation.
Key steps of project:
As described on previous pages the start was in Dec 2009 when I found VDrift and experimented with its car settings.
I created the project on Google Code in 2010 to hold releases.
My first release was in Apr 2010.
Then came first issues.
The game ran only on Windows at start. I suspected it would be rather easy to port to GNU/Linux (since both VDrift and OGRE did work).
I was doing screenshot galleries on each release and game video every few. In a year I made nearly 10 releases (“Release quickly, release often”). I didn’t have a repo.
After a year in Mar 2011 two guys (scrawl and Tapio) have joined and did quickly port game to Linux. Also added CMake build system.
Also in Mar 2011 I created repository. Initially was Mercurial, because Google Code didn’t have Git. But then we quickly moved to GitHub (in Apr 2011 or so).
At the same time we started using IRC on freenode to quickly communicate,
Translations was surely one good thing done by new guys at start.
In version 1.0 (Jan 2011) my track editor was ready and fully functional. I made a series of tutorials on how to use it. I was developing it further too (only I did that).
Game was featured on freegamer blog, first with version 1.0. It did boost game’s popularity. Every time a post appeared after too.
Since version 1.2, we started uploading the Releases to Source Forge. Google Code and its 100 then 200 MB limit were a problem. At that point it only was for homepage and issues (that view was very nice and customizable though).
At some point the game was also added on playdeb, and on lgdb. I think those were (or are) the biggest Linux gaming sites and they helped with game’s popularity too.
Scrawl did many things in the game. A lot of related to input (for controllers), post process effects, shaders, split screen, water in 1.5, etc.
In version 1.5 we finally finalized multiplayer, done by Tapio. I was doing the Gui part. It took him a year to finish it, but I was glad anyway, since I could do other things at the time. I posted on Vdrift forum. I think, VDrift project was developing more slowly then.
Scrawl did a wonderful task of creating a material generator once, and then even a second version called shiny (as a separate library for OGRE). And this thing made us reach a great look with nicely coded shaders (generated for both DirectX and OpenGL) at a higher level. I loved using it.
Scrawl and Tapio were mainly active for about a year. Then I was developing alone again.
We started a forum for the project, somewhat later in version 1.8, Nov 2012.
Forum was great on freegamer, since there were many users already. It attracted the greatest people, artists creating tracks (and even sceneries) for the game using my track editor that I was also developed with the game. The best being: rubberduck who also made many buildings and objects, and Wuzzy.
I guess I should also mention Calinou. He was always on IRC and had an opinion whenever I asked. This is already a useful skill. A couple of his many tracks went into the game.
At some point I found out the greatest Nobiax CC0 textures and replaced all tracks terrain look, also implementing own blendmap with noise (for mixing them). There were a few such revamps of all tracks (big artistic task, bit tedious), for shaders, waters, skies. Terrain was the biggest.
Project’s website was done very late in 2015, more info about it here.
There were few other people e.g. a guy who let me use his IRC bouncer. Tapio was later doing translation syncs, until I someday finally learned that. He was also hosting multiplayer game list server on his PC for years. Scrawl did later a VM setup and was making GNU/Linux binary packages on each version release. There were also few people translating the game to other languages than English (9, 5 of them fully). Finally, I can not forget to mention all those artist sharing their CC-BY 3D models on blendswap, also textures, vegetation, objects, and even 0 A.D. buildings. I was gathering all authors and website urls in txt files in our data/ directory each time I added something (later visible in Credits page in game). Naturally all the open source libraries used (including OGRE and VDrift) have to be mentioned here too, since without them the game would be completely different.
All that was great and helpful. I want to thank all who contributed to this project.
I was constantly developing Stunt Rally for 4.5 years. I was thinking of finishing the development a couple of times.
I first ended developing in Nov 2014. But I returned after about 9 months for 3 more, rewriting sound system, replay files, adding pace notes and more.
I announced development end on 19 Sep 2015. It was version 2.6, the 26th since start.
Lastly, I have to add, it wasn’t just the 5 years it took to create all this. I took many years before that, of me learning from my projects, and having more experience every year doing so.
Update: It wasn’t the end, but a few years break. I resumed the project 6 years later as Stunt Rally 3 since 2022.
SR Track Editor is the program that comes with Stunt Rally and was used to create and edit all of its tracks. It first featured in version 0.6 (6th release in Nov 2010) and in version 1.0 (10th release, in Jan 2011) it was already fully functional (could edit all track features, at that time).
I will describe here its features, from the latest version. It surely evolved with the project and changed its look in time. Unlike the Stunt Rally page, which shows the whole history, here I’m describing the present (it is free and open). And I focus on features, visible on GUI.
Since the program is rich in features this page will be long. But also explanatory, for unique tracks and game features. I also reference any tracks that show off a particular feature with links to our online track browser.
Editor is 100% designed and coded by me. There were many contributions to the game, but none to editor. I customized it to be a fast tool for editing, as I was also the main user of it. There were few awesome people using it too and creating tracks for the game.
There is a series of ▶video tutorials for using it (from older versions though) and a Wiki page. If using editor, keep in mind that many places (GUI controls) have hints, so mousing over them can show a tooltip, possibly with useful information. Editor itself has help pages, listing key and mouse actions for each mode. Having seen all this, it should be easy to use it.
One main aspect of editor is that it doesn’t feature an Undo/Redo, for me this feature was never needed and too time consuming to implement. We use quick Save F4 and Reload F5. One can also make backups manually of the directory. It is recommended to save often and on mistake just reloading.
Track tab
Track tab is the first I’ll explain. It takes some time to understand all what is visible here. Knowing it will help picking your base track to edit. Or finding an interesting track to drive.
First, on left we have the list of tracks (172 total in version 2.6).
In the middle there is an image with view of the track. Usually camera is high to show most of it.
Below a short description. It is sometimes crucial to read it on difficult tracks, as it may contain useful warnings and hints. It’s writable in editor.
Right bottom image is the minimap (view from top). It has useful info too. Background shows terrain shape. Flat road is black line, bumpy or banked road gets more gray. Bridges are cyan, pipes yellow. Half pipes will be green (0.5 mix between cyan and yellow). And lastly On-Pipe driven sections are orange.
The track list (on left) has 2 extra columns: difficulty and rating (*). You can sort on them to easier find the tracks you want to drive. This is the default short view. The detailed view has many columns and can be toggled using the buttons above it [ | ] and [ ||| ]. Some useful columns are N: (track index, sorting to get oldest to newest order), Scenery (we have 34) and ver (game version when track first appeared).
Next button [ Y ] toggles an additional, complicated filter window. It has sliders for min and max values for all columns and checkboxes to toggle their visibility (possible in both views).
Since the tracks count is very high, we have a find box (bottom left, Ctrl-F), where you can type name or phrase to search.
Use track load button or press Enter to load it. Arrow keys move in list (with Ctrl by 5).
Duplicate button will make new track which is a copy of loaded one. There is no New button since it’s easier and faster to start from an existing track with similar scenery.
Track icons (extra)
Just above minimap we have a row of icons with small values indicating various things on track (they disappear when zero). Those are as follows: fluids (water or mud areas), bumps, jumps, loops, pipes, banked bridges, frenzy (curly road), obstacles and objects (dynamic). Of course hints for them will show under mouse. The higher the value of each, the more will be there on track and thus it will become difficult.
Above this row on left we have track difficulty (most important) value: 1 (green, easy) to 6 (red, extreme). Next is rating (star icon), it is my personal quality assessment of the track. The third icon (red vertical line) is general (coarse) length.
All those show in columns in detailed view and the list can be sorted by one. This allows searching for tracks with e.g. most loops or fluids etc.
They all are set manually (be me) for official tracks and stored in tracks.ini file. User tracks have none.
Track stats
The next group of road stats is above icons and those are automatically computed by the road system. They are: length (in km), area (just side length of the always square map), average width, height difference (between highest and lowest road point). Below in middle center, with icons are: bridges percentage (cyan), pipe % (yellow) and on pipe % (red) on right. Above on right are road banking angle values (average and maximum).
So that was a lot, and this is only the first tab. But it’s also present in game, and nearly the same.
Sun tab has all the options for sky, light and weather (and fog on next sub-tab). If in editor, you can read hints from tooltips for more info.
Sky can be rotated to better fit track. Sun direction has rotation too (yaw), and pitch sliders. For example small pitch will make long tree shadows.
These angles will be set when picking sky from list (if checkbox for it is set there).
Pressing sky name button will show pick list with all available skies. Tab key is the shortcut for this (on other tabs too).
Weather has 2 possible slots. Each can have one of many different particle types: rain, snow, fine, heavy, storm etc.
Their intensity (emit rate) is set with sliders.
Since it’s usually not needed to see weather emitting while editing track, it is toggleable here (or with key I).
There can only be 1 light source in game. It is directional and is called sun.
For this light, we have 3 parameters: Ambient, Diffuse and Specular. Ambient is the constant background color. Diffuse depends on surface angle (sun direction versus surface normal). And Specular is similar but has also power, it is the shininess.
All colors here have: Hue, Saturation and Value (Brightness), which are obvious. But additionally, Value can go above 1, lightening more, used e.g. on deserts (Dunes etc). And there is a new Negative value, very rarely used. It can act as a negative light, decreasing brightness, e.g. a blackening sun on BlueHell.
It is a cheap effect, already present in earliest games. But quite good and present on most tracks.
Fog itself is linear and has 2 sliders: start and end. Until start distance there is no fog at all. And above end distance, there is full opacity fog.
Fog can have 2 colors. If not needed those can be the same. Useful for example on a sunset sky where one color is orange near sun and other can be gray on the opposite side.
Height fog is an additional type (with own color) added to there regular fog. It depends on height, so gets denser when lower. Start and end parameters are here too (to allow own values for distance). Height and smooth values determine where it will be and how fast will it be dense (opaque).
Fog colors (beside the Hue, Saturation, Value and Negative) can all also have Alpha (transparency). When below 1, fog never reaches full opaque in end, allowing some visibility.
Higher than 1 for Value results in glowing fog, seen as light. Present e.g. on tracks: Pipeline, Crematoria, GreenStar and more.
Last thing for fog, it can deal damage (over time) to vehicle. Happens inside lava, acid, radioactive pool etc. E.g. on Craters, Radioactive and AcidLakes.
Road is made using a Catmull-Rom, 3D spline. It can go in any direction. The system building geometry for it (segments, with LOD) was also coded completely by me. Started in the earliest versions and developed further to support bridges, columns, pipes etc.
Let’s start with the simplest features.
Road consists of points. Each point has several parameter values. Point is associated with road segment. As can be seen on picture, the blue spheres are road points. Selected point is violet. It also has a bigger red sphere beside it, which is used to show rotation for banked bridges.
Points are inserted inside the glowing segment. The simplest road point parameter is width. Road width gets smoothed between points.
A point can have a checkpoint sphere radius set. For road on terrain it’s recommended to be wider than road e.g. 1.6, but this will vary in places, bridges and pipes naturally have 1.
Checkpoints are set manually for each track and used for many things: driving progress percentage, direction arrow (where to drive), also a beam (in place there), and most importantly to show Wrong Checkpoint, if driver misses it, while being too off road. They are explained in this video.
Those were points On Terrain. Now if you toggle this snap off (Home), it will allow moving point vertically and automatically produce bridges, with side and bottom walls and columns.
Next easy topic for start is road materials. There can be only 4 (for performance) and they are set in Road tab. There is also a pick list to choose from all.
Materials are changed with keys per road point, and this will blend (transition) in and out the material from close segments.
Also on Road tab, we can change wall material, and column geometry (radius, sides). Columns are added automatically, always in half of segment. They can be toggled off. But manual placing isn’t possible. Adding more road points, evenly can fix it. There is only 1 wall and column material per whole road (also performance).
Now let’s get back to the point.
Having a point in middle air lets you rotate it. Changing roll angle will make banked road. This allows side turns and skewed loops like shown here (Refinery).
Pitch is never set, it is automatic. Yaw also, but it can be adjusted. It decreases width, but is sometimes needed, e.g. when creating loops (upside down road part).
Tracks with a lot of banked roads are e.g. Web, Spider.
Loops require 8 points or more to be good and smooth. And as we can see, having full control of each point gives freedom to create any types and original shapes of loops. Since they have walls, it’s hard to fall off of them, except when upside down and driving too slow, or for difficult, skewed ones.
At this point, it is worth saying that: (many) road segments (with points) can be selected.
Besides that one point (or none) can be picked.
The selection can be:
Moved (all at once)
Rotated (yaw, around picked or center), or Roll (used rarely)
Scaled (to center or picked)
Copied and then
Pasted (even on different track), or Pasted reversed
Mirrored (reverses order of points)
Changed, i.e. some parameter value change, for all at once
And lastly picked points parameters can be copied, so when inserting, new one(s) will get same values. Makes it easy to e.g. continue a bridge in air at some height or split segment (add an extra point inside) etc.
The system making them is (almost) fully automatic. This code was also challenging to write. But it proved my idea, we had already so many tracks and auto generated pacenotes for all turns were the way to go (saved an imaginable amount of tedious work if it had to be manual, also for any future edits). It is not perfect, as it sometimes does 2 turns where it could be just 1 but otherwise is great.
There are a few exceptions. Loop types (regular, side, barrel, 2 in 1, etc) have to be set on point manually as extra parameter. There was already one to mark a loop for game camera change. Next, jumps for their text with speed are using recorded track’s ghost, which means without it there is no info and also means that values will be exact only for ES car. All others will be scaled and may not match if aerodynamics is different. And lastly some roads have invisible parts that only tweak something and we don’t want any pacenotes there, another parameter to mark them not real was added.
Introduced early and quite fun. Actually easy to drive in, since they direction the car in turns when driving fast. But will play tricks otherwise with beginners.
Also sometimes steering is needed in turns, or to counter act car inertia. And driving too fast will damage car bottom due to high acceleration acting too much on suspension (just like in loops).
Pipes require more triangles to be smooth and have own advanced parameters for geometry in Road tab. The most difficult part here though was making the transitions. They can start from bridge or terrain road, and both have a huge difference of width vertices compared to pipe. This value has to inc/decrease smoothly and make triangles/faces accordingly. Picture here.
A pipe itself is just a value of parameter pipe for road point set to 1. This allows many other possibilities and having around 0.5 had the name of half-pipes. And few own tracks: Snake, HalfPipes, Knotted, MagicFog.
They are also one of coolest things in the game. Are more difficult than pipes, since you can fall out of them.
Of course pipe is a factor for each point and it can have any value from 0 to 1. E.g. 0.1 will be nearly flat bridge (with no borders) and 0.9 will give a not yet fully closed pipe.
Since pipes were very easy, at some point obstacles were introduced inside them. More on that later in Objects section.
On Pipe
Introduced later in game. Pipes are difficult to drive on them (and easy inside). This happens because you can fall out easily. Being on center is crucial for straight road, but in turns finding the right place can be tricky and fun. This screen is from Industrial, a heavy and long track that has most of it driven on pipe. There is also DangerRoad which has full on-pipe drive and thus is very difficult.
On pipe loops were probably the most difficult stunt element. It’s very difficult not to fall off and tricky to stay center until end of it.
Were also quite early. But a bit more problematic for the simulation. Car suspension has to be stiff to land well and usually the tolerance of speed is narrow (i.e. too little won’t jump across and too much will land badly and roll over).
At first they weren’t open. At some time a new hidden material (-1) was introduced and they started to look well. Shown here is one of first tracks with them. Also, notice the spheres on ground between jumps. This was the first way and isn’t the best. Having those single points higher than jumps is better since, the auto pitch (of road) will make jump ends go straight into sky, and not turn lower like here.
Fortunately it is easy to select both jump end points and move them up. Or select all jump segments and then: move, rotate, scale or copy them.
This track Platforms (left) has many jumps. Version 2.6 has introduced Pacenotes system to the game. And added an extra text showing required / minimal vehicle speed to jump across. An original idea and track using it was PipeJumps (right).
Terrain is using OGRE terrain component with additions from shiny material generator. Due to limits of shader texture units and using 1 pass, it can have maximum 4 layers.
Each layer is a set of 2 textures, 1 having diffuse+specular and 1 with normal+height data. In practice an example for 4 layers would be: grass (or sand), other grass or mud, rocks, snowy rocks. The more are used the worse performance, but 3 or 4 look best. We have 6 layer tabs and enable checkboxes just for convenience.
We have a huge number of textures (109) mainly 1k size, CC0 licensed, pack and info here. This gives a great base for the variety of our sceneries.
There is a pick list with all available. It also fills scale. It is a very important parameter. We don’t want to much texture repeat and on the other hand we can’t have them stretched too much (or just have unrealistic size).
Another important aspect is where the layer will appear. We can customize this by telling terrain angles range, and also height range. For example: sand at 0m level and below, grass otherwise, but not higher than 50m and additionally mountains if terrain angle is higher than e.g. 22 degrees. Layer painting is not implemented and not really needed. It would be sometimes useful though to have some manual feature. But otherwise this system saves artists time to decorate terrain.
Also each layer can additionally have noise, that can blend into next+1, next+2, or previous -1 layers. Each has own slider, giving 3 factors total. This allows e.g. the first (sand) layer having spots of second and third in other places, making it more unique and less repeating. Also the last (mountains) layer can have spots from previous. Example shown here on picture, from track HighPeaks.
Blendmap is the texture that will have information of how to finally blend layers on terrain. There is a helpful visualization for it (Test F9), shown on picture. When done well, it should show Red, Green, Blue colors, mostly separated (and White when 4 layers). Even if this track is flat and small and dense with grasses, it has 3 mixing terrain layers.
There are some extra parameters for terrain, rarely changed. The sliders are shown in next chapter heightmap below.
Terrain can emit light i.e. have emissive layer. This has a checkbox to turn on, and a slider for scale. It will disable normal specular light though, instead using it for emissive map.
An example here is lava e.g. on Crematoria, Craters. Without it the look would be too dull and unrealistic. And others examples on Radioactive, Magic, Wild.
Next, normals scale and specular power change terrain lighting as whole.
Terrain heightmap
On terrain tab we got parameters that setup the heightmap. It will always be square grid. But larger maps need more area. Heightmap size can only be power of two. It also decreases performance when high and additionally makes track bigger on disk. So 2048 should never be used. And if track isn’t big, 512 should be good.
Once set it shouldn’t be changed. But there is a button on Tools tab, to half the value, as a last resort to make track have more Fps (better performance).
Triangle size is a real number and it can be scaled freely. But recommended is the size of 1-2 meters, since if too big it doesn’t feel real when driving. The resulting size in meters (side length) is computed and shown here too.
Terrain brushes
Having good looking terrain means putting some time to paint it. It is like a canvas for an artist. Best to paint in each place and also using different brushes. It’s also good practice to decorate terrain more, after road is final.
We have 4 types of brushes: Deform, Smooth, Filter and Height set. All brushes have common factors like radius (size) and intensity (strength).
Deform can make terrain lower or higher, by factors from brush. The simplest are of course just a solid sinus circle, most effective in center and not at all on borders. Smooth brush will tend to flatten terrain in place, it was made first, and sometimes needed. Better and new is the Filter brush. Filter brush can fix all your problems (except real life ones). It smooths terrain without loosing shape, it is a filter that reduces high frequencies (noise) on terrain. Also has a parameter for kernel radius. Height brush sets a height value in place. The value can be adjusted with mouse. It can create flat place
There are several terrain brush presets, shown here on screens. The first row is just the basic circle tools with different type, radius and intensity. The rest is various deform with noise presets. And last 2 rows have fancy regular shapes. Below each image there is a number with radius. Also hints show a name, but image is mostly sufficient.
Terrain – Generator
Terrain generator is a great start for tracks. Especially those big, scenic, nature tracks. It isn’t enough to just use it, manual painting gives unique feel and character.
It is a functionality that generates noise, the size of whole terrain. Preview of it is shown in left bottom corner. It has many parameters available on sliders. Like with every slider, clicking RMB on it will reset value. The resulting noise can be moved around with offset and scaled to real heights. Clicking buttons can either Add that to the terrain, Subtract or Multiply it with. Thus multiple uses are possible. It can also ignore road, so be used even after road was placed on terrain, but need adjusting bridge ends then.
Align Terrain to Road is a very useful tool. It is shown in a video here. It has own test track that demonstrates the result. The tool needs a road with selected segments. Road needs to be in air (bridge, otherwise nothing is needed). Upon using it will adjust terrain heights so it ends to be where bridge road was. Then road can go On Terrain instead of bridge, preserving shape. It also has 3 sliders for smoothing terrain a bit to the road on borders for small distance.
Other tools available here are from top, the ability to copy various things from other track to current. On Track tab there is a button set as copy source, so once another track is picked and button clicked, we can use buttons on Tools tab to copy stuff from it. E.g. Vegetation, Sun and weather, Terrain layers, Road parameters etc.
There are Delete buttons here too. Since there is no new track, just duplicate, you may want to delete various things like Road, Fluids, Objects for your new track.
Lastly on this tab, we have scaling ability. One can scale whole track by factor from slider (and editbox) or scale just the terrain height. This is useful, since when driven after editing, track may feel too big, stretched out and it’s an easy fix by scaling it below 1.0. Contrary if it feels to big, above 1.0 can fix it. For compensation, terrain height can also be scaled.
Game setup
Game setup tab is quite new and unique. It actually has settings for the game, on this track.
So gravity, which is different on Mars and other planets.
New in version 2.6 of the game we have reverb sound effect on track for ambience feel. There are presets here in combobox to pick from.
Wind is present on track Sandstorm also lesser on Twister and here is its strength.
Damage multiplier is less than 1.0 on very difficult and long stunt tracks. Otherwise it wouldn’t be possible or too difficult to drive them until end.
Grass is done with PagedGeometry plugin for OGRE. It also shows the same old approach and enforces things that wouldn’t be done today. Namely the page size. Which is a constant value used for optimizing view and reducing drawn batches.
Main page with properties has the slider for global grass density, it’s the first thing to adjust.
Also present here are grass sway (from wind) parameters. They were rarely changed, and added late. Smooth parameter makes the transition from road to grass more natural and less sudden. It blurs the grass density map.
Next tab has more options.
Here you can actually pick grasses, and see the texture on right, to check its look.
Then adjust its vertical and horizontal size ranges (x,y min and max).
Each grass also has its own density.
There is a color map, picked from combo to slightly adjust final color.
Grasses can be picked from another long colored list, that helps finding particular types. Picking can also auto set parameters for faster change.
After change either press V twice to disable and enable vegetation showing or press Update (F8).
Grass channels
Grass channels are optional. But useful for different grass setups, e.g. regular forest grass and other one appearing in snowy mountain parts.
In more detail you pick a channel for each grass. A channel has common parameters for terrain like its height and angle ranges. And other parameters for noise and road distance.
Vegetation here means: trees, rocks, ferns, mushrooms etc. Basically everything natural that repeats a lot and is automatically placed on track, basing on terrain.
It uses the PagedGeometry component (unfortunately not Instancing) and comes from an old era, when meshes were batched on CPU into larger pages, to reduce batch count of single meshes. At distance meshes are displayed as flat billboards called impostors, prerendered at few angles and cached on disk for later.
The key parameter in properties is density, which is global for whole track’s vegetation.
The same page size as for grass is also here, just with different values. Also distance which is basically the same as page and impostors distance, at which trees will be flat billboards.
Usually tweaked for each track to optimize batches draw versus triangle count. Higher size pages will create lag and make more triangles, while lower would visually switch more and create more batches.
On next tab, individual Models are picked and and their properties adjusted.
Main are density and size range.
Next useful are road distance (could be e.g. higher for trees and lower for ferns).
And the same terrain properties: height and angle ranges, where this model can appear on track.
Lastly fluid depth allows excluding models from water, mud etc. It can allow few meters submerge.
It is recommended to use 4 to 6 models. It depends on count, but generally more models will mean lower Fps, more lag, etc.
As for grasses, to see the change change either press V twice or press Update (F8).
As before for grasses, you can also see the long pick list here for finding models. They are colored with scenery color (same as tracks) and can also auto set few parameters when picked.
Provided here is the 3D view of rotating model. And the numbers above it are real size after scaling, min and max values. This way you can get an idea of size and compare it to e.g. real life size of a tree.
After the density slider is the actual count of occurrences for this model on track.
By fluids I mean water (mostly), mud (few types) and other special ones like acid, lava, ice.
Here you can see the water, depth map, which is made by editor, making deeper water appear more dark and also transition smoothly to terrain.
Fluids are just rectangular areas moved and sized by mouse. While editing depth map is disabled.
You can also change their depth. This could allow more than one at different heights on track. I think this wasn’t used though.
Mud has 3 basic types: slippery (light), medium and hard (dense, dark), giving different friction when submerged. Next 3 types have a modulation for direction to not be so linear.
Objects were featured a bit later in game and are a quite essential part of every editor.
Static object allow placing a mesh like rock, cave, building, obstacle, statue, balloon, etc.
They can be moved, rotated and scaled freely. There is also multi select option (similarly to road points). Allowing faster manipulation for many at once.
Dynamic objects are the ones you can hit in game and will move or fly away. They cannot be scaled, but otherwise are placed and edited the same way.
They have a special simulation mode in editor. It is meant to be turned on, so they can settle on the ground. Then turned off and track can be saved. This is to save the game from doing that on each track loaded. Thus game creates them all in asleep (not moving) mode.
Shown here on screen are the lists with object types. Dynamic ones are in blue on left. Rest is static. Single ones are in white list. Rocks and caves have special, orange column. And lastly buildings in yellow. Since there are many of them, they have another short list with categories, that upon picking will fill the buildings list.
Obstacles were introduced later by contributors and are a great way to make driving in pipes more difficult and also have some surprising sections on tracks too. Possibly for decorating too. They don’t move with road so are meant to be placed rather as last. Changing road would then require moving them accordingly.
Last feature of editor is showing some warnings for things done bad or just not optimal for performance. By default checked on track save. A video shows the various things checked. Wiki page lists all.
Those are very simple checks for performance and some tracks (that reach the graphics limits of old OGRE) can have warnings.
Also road system, checkpoints and car start warnings are here.
Editor has also a tab with settings, where you can adjust e.g. minimap, camera speed and intertia, road points size, startup options, etc. Also jumping camera to track start, or predefined views.
It also features a basic but functional material tweaker, on Settings – Tweak tab. When picked material in combobox, it will show editboxes and slider and allow adjusting its parameters in real-time. Very useful for creating new materials, fluids and tweaking colors.
The program from my master’s thesis from 2009, implementing Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using CUDA and proving 5 times faster simulation of small scale fluids on GPU vs CPU. Nowadays I would rather use OpenCL.
The program is very fun to play with and has a vast number of 119 predefined scenes.
For 56k particles it allows about 2 to 3 times slower than realtime simulation, due to small time step requirement of SPH.
This is one of my oldest Windows programs in C++. It can generate colorized bitmap fonts from true type fonts with glow effect.
Done on college as hobby around 2005-2006. I used bitmap fonts from it in most of my programs, until about 2010. Additionally it made the text for my logo, and lastly the speed and gear digits in our game.
I had a small font tool without GUI, earlier when I was programming in Delphi. This one evolved to be a full featured program with medium size code.
I presented the program at college, during scientific circles session, for 15 minutes. The presentation was also a good experience to have.
It was a nice, useful program for me. Probably difficult to use for others due to only keyboard navigation and value changing. It had a help screen with shortcuts though.
Later I’ve uploaded it to Source Forge and thus it became my first FOSS program. Then I moved to Google Code and when it shut down, moved to GitHub.
There were several programs done called bitmap font creator, maker or editor. It was (or still is) a popular thing to do. Both using bitmap fonts and making a program for it.
Among other features it allowed quick loading and saving project files and coloring schemes. Also browsing them in its own lists with previews. One could easily pick a scheme for font color and quickly match another for glow.
Glow was computed on CPU and thus rather slow, especially for big font sizes and large textures. I didn’t develop it further after realizing that all this could probably be done with a GPU shader in real time, even with animations, at least for small to medium fonts.
I was having fun with Scream Tracker on DOS before, so it felt best for creating music and using only keyboard for that.
I called my program simply the same way, but started with version 6 and increased until 14. Then shorted it to just S and used Roman numerals XIV.
This was such an awesome program to use and look at. Mainly because keyboard shortcuts were customized to what I wanted, and also I implemented many quite useful operations in it, e.g. in patterns editor.
It was using GLScene package for Delphi and my colored bitmap fonts from another program (it was the predecessor to Crystal Font), hence so varying and colorful texts everywhere.
By default I also used colored image backgrounds, since pages felt really empty. It even had animated text transitions for title pages text and a toggleable fire animation in corner 🔥.
But it was complete garbage at the way sound creation was done. It simply relied on a system timer event and triggered sound playing from DirectSound buffers. I know, nobody does that for music. I didn’t know any other way to code this then.
Timer was more or less stable, but I had to render very little while playing, mostly empty screen and 1 bottom line of info.
I made about 5 songs with it, more here. Also used it for percussion patterns when we were both playing electric guitars.
Later I was checking out Renoise, but eventually my interest faded away from creating music.